
Sometime ago, I developed a Staking formula that I have not utilised yet.

Saturdays races were Staked using 10% wager.

This resulted in a total investment of $24.00 for a return of $21.00.

Loss of, $3.00

If I had used my Staking formula, (snapshot below), the result would have been different.

This would have cost $75.00 total Stake, for a $105.00 return.

Profit of, $30.00

Screenshot 2021-04-19 6.04.38 PM



Te Papa

9 Race Meeting

Using 1 Probable Combination on all races.

10% Stake on all races.

Sub Combinations are after Handicapping.

Race #1, 10 Horse field, 36 Subs, $3.6, Fail

Race #2,  7 Horse field, 24 Subs, $2.4, Fail

Race #3, 10 Horse field, 90 Subs, $9.0, Fail

Race #4, Unable to place Bet. Phone Issues

Race #5, 11 Horse field, 60 Subs, $6.0, Fail

Race #6, 12 Horse field, 36 Subs, $3.6, Win,

Payout = $21.00

End of Betting

Starting BankRoll = $82.00

End BankRoll = $79.00

Loss = $3.00

Totaled Waged = $24.60

Te Papa 17421 Picks and Results


Te Aroha, Menangle Aus.

Te Aroha,

Race 1, 14 Horse field, 4 rejects, $7.20 10% Stake, Fail

Race 2, 10 Horse field, All in, $7.20 10% Stake, Fail

Race 3, 14 Horse field, 4 rejects, $12 10% Stake, Fail

1 rejected horse came second after enquiry.

Race 4, 16 Horse field, 5 rejects, $8.40 10% Stake, Refund

Race and Meeting abandoned.

Menangle Harness.

Tried a Bet from of Old.

Race 1,

$3.00 on Fav to win.

$10.00 on Second Fav to place.

Second Fav Fifth, Fail

First Fav Win, $6.90 return.

Starting BankRoll $65.00

Ending BankRoll $33.00

Te Aroha 10421 Results

Screenshot 2021-04-10 8.14.45 PM





10 Race meeting

Deposit $50.00   for    $78.00 BankRoll

Using the same 1 of 8 probable winning Combinations on all races.

Race 1, 6 Horse field, Pass on this.

Race 2, 13 Horse field, 5 rejects, $4.8 10% Stake

Result = Fail

Race 3, 10 Horse field, 3 rejects, $2.4 10% Stake

Result = Fail

Race 4, 12 Horse field, 3 rejects, $8.00 10% Stake

Result = Fail

Race 5, 9 Horse field, All in, $8.00 10% Stake

Result = Win  Paying $10.50, Profit = $2.50

Quit while behind

Starting BankRoll = $78.00

Ending BankRoll = $65.00~

End of Betting.



Checked unwaged  races.

Race 9,

If I had kept Betting, the Combination I was using had a second appearance.

A Longshot paying $44 took first position,

Paying $3,76~.~~

For 10% Bet, $376.~~ for a $6.00 wager.




Race 9

Checked Website this morning.

In my haste to place my four Combinations, I inadvertently entered a wrong Combination that turned out to be a winning bet.

For a $9.00 (10%) stake, for a return of $7.20

Loss = $1.80

New BankRoll = $28



Riverton, Awapuni


Race 3, 2yo, 7 horse field. “Trifecta with a Twist” using four combinations.

10% staking on all combos = $12.00

Result: One of the unused combinations came in.


Race 9, Open Handicap, 13 horse field. “Trifecta with a Twist” using same  four combinations.

10% staking  on all combos = $25.20

Result: One of the unused combinations came in.

Starting  BankRoll = $63.00

Ending BankRoll = $25.80

Loss = $37.20



Race 1, Two scratchings for a Five horse race. Due to the small field size, the Bias of such dictated the combination used.

50% bet at $6.00, 12 Sub combinations.

Race 1, Fail

Race 2, Two scratchings for a Nine horse race. Switched to preferred Combination.

20% bet at $12.00, 60 Sub combinations.

Race 2, Refunded

Meeting abandoned due to dangerous issue of Track in first race.

Starting Bankroll = $71.00

Ending Bankroll = $65.00




Race 1, 3  combinations, 100 sub combinations each, 10% stake = $30.00

Race 1, Fail

Race 2, 1 combination, 100 sub combinations, 10% stake = $10.00

Race 2, Win, Return $4.00, $6.00 Loss

Race 3, 1 combination, 80 sub combinations, 10% stake = $8.00

Race 3, Fail

Race 4, 7 horse field, Passed on this.

Race 5, 1 combination, 90 sub combinations, 10% stake = $9.00

Race 5, Fail

Quit while behind.

Total Staked =$57.00

One win resulting $4.00

Total Loss = $53.00


Monday Ramblings

In my March 13 post, I mentioned only a fool would use all Eight Probable Winning Combinations on One race.

Let me elaborate and break this statement down to common sense.

Using my “Trifecta with a Twist” strategy, handicaps the possibility of winning down to Eight Probable winning combinations and at an affordable cost compared to Boxing just a few contenders.

The Pros of this system if all combinations are used, will result in a “GUARANTEED WIN”.

Yes! you read that correct.

For example:

An Eight Horse race results in 48 Sub combination for each Probable combination.

8 x 48 = 384 total Sub combinations.

For a 100% Stake =$384.00

or, $38.40 for a 10% Bet.

Doing so will GUARANTEE you the win, BUT, there is no guarantee as to the value of the payout.

From doing dry bets and being “A FOOL” for one day I found this out to be “TRUE

I believe the “CONS” outweigh the “PROS”.

Therefore, I think using one combination and sticking to that combination on all subsequent races until hitting the winning result is the more common sense way to apply the system.

Using Two or Three Combinations on the same race maybe a more sensible option to better your chances of winning. Any more would reduce the level of profit gained for a greater outlay.



9 Race Meeting

Using the same 1 of 8 winning combinations, with varying betting percentages,

dependent on field size, the total stake for 9 races = $115.00

Sadly,  the combination I chose to use  Failed on all races.

Starting Bankroll = $247.00

Less Loss               = $115.00

Leaves                    = $132.00

Break Down Of Successful Combinations:

1 Combination Successful x3

1 Combination Successful x2

4 Combination Successful x1 each

My Combination and one other Fails.


On a lighter note,

Two strangers riding through the desert.

One stranger sees an arse sticking up out of the sand.

Points and asks “Whats that?”

The other stranger says “Who’s askn’?”

The first stranger replies ” Yeah, That’s’ what I wanna know”