Monthly Archives: January 2025

Saturday 11/1/25

Attacking five races.

Three at Flemington, two at Eagle Farm.

Using four of eight probable winning combinations on each race.

ooo, oeo, eoe, eeo.

5% staking plan.

I dare you to use the other four probable winning combinations.

My Pocket Picks are in the link below.

Why Pocket Picks?

I carry a printout of my selections when out and about so as to place bets when able too. Busy life.


Pocket picks

Trentham 4/1/25


Entry 2/1/25


8 race meeting

Staking on three races

Races 3,4,5 using Trifecta with a Twist strategy Featured Race Calculator.

Each race 10 horse field.

Race 4, horse #2, no rider assigned so possible 9 horse field on the day.



Raining Trentham

Race #3

#4,7,8 scratched. Leaves seven horse field.

Race #4

#2 no rider yet. Possible scratching.

May not Punt today


Trifecta returns too low to bother betting.