Monthly Archives: August 2021


Up date on yesterday’s entry

Ended with two extra races to finish off before going to bed.

The Valley:

Race #8, Using the Featured Race Trifecta Calculator, four combinations used for a total stake of $20.00.

Runner #5 scratched at the gates, culminating in a percentage return on three combinations as these were failures. A WIN on one combination for a payout of $8.20.

Total for Payout and Returns = $13.70, Loss =$6.30

Race #9, four combinations, three Fails, one WIN, for a payout of $82.20.

Total Stake = $40.00

Profit = $42.20

Ending Bankroll = $134.23


Australia Various Meets

Due to recent Lockdown in effect, New Zealand races cancelled so off to Aus we go.

Lots of Meetings to choose from so the plan of attack was to Bet on the first race of each Meeting, then move on to the second races and so forth.

Many hours were spent making up the race card and subsequent more rechecking for any scratchings or changes leading up to each race.

This culminated in a final list of 30 races (I didn’t want to get to carried away) but not all were Bet.

Passed on one for low field size while two passed for too low prize pool.

The attached PDF is the proposed Bet list and outcome.

Australia Various 210821

3 passes

2 First4 Bets

1 Win

The rest is history.

9 races Bet in total for a Loss so stopped Betting while behind.

Starting Bankroll = 190.23

Ending Bankroll = 98.33


Riccarton Park and Te Rapa

18 Races total

Utilising 1 of 8 Probable “Trifecta with a Twist” combination.

10% Staking all races.

Loss Cut-off at $105.00 (after eleventh Bet).

First six races, Fails, payout if successful ridiculously low, Both at %100 stake or  %10.

Ended Betting whilst $50.40 down.

Starting Bankroll = $245.00

Ending Bankroll = $191.00

Te Rapa and Riccarton



Riccarton Park

10 Race Meeting

Description of Betting MindSet in attachment.

Starting Bankroll = 238.03

Ending Bankroll = 245.03

Riccarton 11821 Picks and Result



8 Race Meeting

Race #1, 6 horse field, “First4 with a Twist” requiring two combinations to cover fourth position. Stake of $5.00 each combination, Result = Win,    Payout = $9.70 for a $0.30c Loss.

Next two races utilising “Trifecta with a Twist” resulting in both Fails.

Payouts also low if successful so moved from Ruakaka to Flemington Aus.

Race #1, 8 horse field, Stake $5.00 13%, Result = Fail.

Payouts low on all Trifecta there too, No-one supporting Trifectas anywhere today so reverted to my Bet of Old, Melton, Aus, Harness, Race #1, $3.00 on favourite to Win, $10.00 on second favourite to Place.

Result = Win on second fav, $16.00 for a profit of $3.00

Definitely stop Betting this time.

Starting Bankroll = $257.13

Ending Bankroll = $238.03

Ruakaka 7821 Picks and Result



Te Aroha

Eight race Meeting

Try to improve on yesterday’s effort utilising “Trifecta with  a Twist” using ooo  as the combination.

Race #1, 9 horse field, Stake = $6.00 10%, Result Fail. If successful, payout on winning combination, $4.40, no value there so ended Betting.

Had I continued, Race #2, 9 horse field, Stake = $6.00 10%, Result Win, payout on ooo = $54.00 for a potential $42.00 profit.

That’s just how things go!

Starting Bankroll =$263.13

Ending Bankroll = $257.–