Rotorua, New Plymouth
Both 9 Race meetings
Total = 18 Races
Starting Bankroll = $206.00
Using 1 Probable Combination on all races
10% Staking all Races
First race of each Meeting, part return as a scratching occured after submitting selections.
These races were Fails as were the proceeding 16 races.
Total loss = $162.00
Ending Bankroll = $44.00
Following is the Statistical Outcome of the Probable Combinations.
Rotorua New Plymouth Total
eee = 0 0 0
ooo = 1 2 3
oeo = 0 0 0
eoe = 0 1 1
oee = 3 2 5
eeo = 3 1 4
eoo = 1 2 3
ooe = 0 1 1
Can you guess the Combination I used?