Saturday 11/1/25

Attacking five races.

Three at Flemington, two at Eagle Farm.

Using four of eight probable winning combinations on each race.

ooo, oeo, eoe, eeo.

5% staking plan.

I dare you to use the other four probable winning combinations.

My Pocket Picks are in the link below.

Why Pocket Picks?

I carry a printout of my selections when out and about so as to place bets when able too. Busy life.


Pocket picks

Trentham 4/1/25


Entry 2/1/25


8 race meeting

Staking on three races

Races 3,4,5 using Trifecta with a Twist strategy Featured Race Calculator.

Each race 10 horse field.

Race 4, horse #2, no rider assigned so possible 9 horse field on the day.



Raining Trentham

Race #3

#4,7,8 scratched. Leaves seven horse field.

Race #4

#2 no rider yet. Possible scratching.

May not Punt today


Trifecta returns too low to bother betting.

New Plymouth 13/05/23

New Plymouth

8 Race meeting

Using 1 of 8 ‘Trifecta with a Twist’ combination.

Race 5, six runners so no value to be had on the Trifecta so Dutching Win Bet using two runners.

This being a non winning Bet as were all others.

Not a good day.

New Plymouth 13_05_23

Sandown 6/5/23


9 Race meeting

Using 1 of 8 Probable winning combinations

Fail race 1 and 2

Win on race 3.

Total staked = $21.00

Returned = $12.–

Loss = $8.–

End Betting whilst behind, not BROKE!

Sandown 060523

If Betting continued, same result on race 4, for $54.00 profit on $4.00 Bet.

Addington Friday Night Harness

Thursday 4/5/23 picked and staked Friday nights harness at Addington.

Addington Harness 5-05-2023

Morphettville Result

Morphettville 29/04/23

Races 1 to 4 fails

Win on race 5, but a loss on investment.

Good discipline, end betting while behind, not when broke.

Race 4, 2 scratchings.

Race 5, #7 last seconds scratching leaving six contenders, hence small payout plus small pools at this meeting.

Race 7, rejected horse #6, the favourite, as a false favourite. Just so happened to come fourth.

Total loss for session = $15.50

Morphettville Result 290423

Morphettville 29/04/23

April 27/04/23

Morphettville Aus Sat 29/04/23

10 Race meeting

Using 1 of 8 probable winning combinations


Putting my “Trifecta with a Twist” strategy picks for all to see pre race day.

Morphetville 290423 – Pre Select


Riccarton 15/04/2023

Riccarton 15/4/23

9 race meeting

Using 2 of 8 ‘Trifecta with a Twist’ combinations for a 25% strike rate.

Using 5% and 10% staking.

No Bet on race #1

Fail on race #2

Win on race #3 for a total profit of $8.70

End of Betting. Not quite. Tried once more on race #8 for a fail.

If I had kept Betting, the 2 combinations used were successful four more times (Grrr).

Ending with an overall profit of $2.50

Riccarton 150423

Randwick 08-04-23

April Saturday 8-4-23

Randwick Australia

This entry is an “What could have been” post.

Last Saturday racing at Randwick showed an anomaly.

I partook not in any Betting last weekend but in reviewing the results at the Randwick meeting, what stood out was the lack of favourites taking out the top spots. Longshots seemed to be the successors.

The payouts on the Trifectas were very good, up into the tens of thousands on some races. That would have been a painful day for the Bookies!

Whether it was the cause of False Favourites against True Favourites or some track bias anomaly I can not speculate.

Therefore, I thought I would give it a crack.

10 race meeting

Using 1 of 8 probable winning “Trifecta with a twist” combinations.

Dependent on race field size, 5% and 10% staking to keep the cost to a reasonable level.

Because of my commitments I refrained from Betting but, on reviewing the results I would have had a successful session.

Randwick 8_4_23



Reviewed results on the NZ TAB site.

If I had Bet using 100% stake, 120 sub combinations for a total stake of $120.00, the Payout on race 7 for the Trifecta was $180,668  Yes, you read that right.


Been a while since punting on dogs or horses.

Had $20.00 in the account so had another crack at it.

Te Rapa

Race #1

10 Horse field, Maiden 3 yr olds, using “Trifecta with a twist” strategy.

Utilising 3 of 8 Probable winning combinations, as per attached PDF link.

5% Staking plan for a total $15.60 wagered.

Perfect Result.

Te Rapa R1 27_8_22